First chapter: Opening by Fabián Fanjwaks and Fabienne Hulak.
Fabian Fanjwaks is a psychoanalyst in Paris, Professor in the Department of Psychoanalysis at ParisVIII University.
Fabienne Hulak is a Psychoanalyst, Professor of the Department of Psychoanalysis at Paris VIII University Both of them are members of the ECF.
Second chapter:
President: Pierre Naveau
Stéphane Dugowsonn, Formulas: for the spirit?
Sergio Laia, The body in Joyce and the DSM-5: the main differences.
Discussion: Gilles Chatenay and Patrick Almeida
Pierre Naveau is a psychoanalyst in Paris, a professor at Paris 8 University. Member of the ECF and the WAP. Stéphane Dugowson is a mathematician, professor at the Institut supérieur de Mécanique in Paris, Sergio Laia is a psychoanalyst in Belo Horizonte. He is teaching at the University FUMEC of Belo Horizonte. He is a member of the EBP and the WAP.Gilles Chatenay is a psychoanalyst in Nantes, teacher atf the Clinical Section of Nantes, Member of the ECF and the WAP. Patrick Almeida is a psychoanalyst in Paris and PhD candidate in the Department of Psychoanalysis of Paris VIII.