Liliana Mauas, President
Committee Members
Rachele Giuntoli (SLP)
María Luján Ros (EOL)
Serena Guttadauro-Landriscini (ECF)
Lorena Oberlin (ELP)
Carolina Vignoli (NEL)
Marcelo Magnelli (EBP)
Linda Clarke (NLS)
Editing committee
Ivana Bristiel
Silvina Rojas
Andrea Castillo, Melina Cothros
Miguel Antunes
Sylwia Dzienisz, Rachele Giuntoli, Susana Liberatore, Manuela Simone
Fernando Sánchez Lanz, Cristina Villafranca Garreta, Rosa Vázquez, Marije Elzo Karrika, Kepa Zamalloa, Alejandro Tolosa, Raquel García Ferrer
Catery Tato, Julio Riveros, Jaquie Lejbowicz
Katya Schwazenberg, Javier Ortíz, Cristopher Tapia
Santiago Alaniz
Mario Merlo.
Kilak | Diseño & web
The Radio of the World Association of Psychoanalysis is an attempt to transmit the voices of the WAP and its politics, which is that of the Lacanian Orientation, showing the world how current psychoanalysis and the work of Jacques Lacan are.
This is a live radio, which aims to intervene in the present-day debate, and to make the position of psychoanalysis heard in face of the advance of the discourse of science along with capitalism, and of the consequences brought about by such bond in the contemporary world.
A radio for Lacanian psychoanalysts and those who are not. A radio that addresses the clinical, political and epistemic aspects of Psychoanalysis, as well as its ties and affinities with various manifestations of knowledge, sciences and arts.
The WAP Radio supports the debates held by psychoanalysts in each of the Schools on the multiple transformations of the epoch, on the position of pychoanalysis of the Lacanian Orientation in the 21st Century and, especially, on the place and role of the citizen- analyst in the context of those discussions.
Since its foundation, on 3 January 1992, the World Association of psychoanalysis is part of the movement for the reconquest of the Freudian Field, launched on 21 June 1964. Following the principles of the Proposition on the Psychoanalyst of the School (1967), its goal is to promote the development of Psychoanalysis worldwide. The WAP promotes the practice of psychoanalysis and its study according to the teaching of Jacques Lacan.