NEL's Seminar of Lacanian Formation: Body, Image and Language: their Knottings
The work axis formalised under the name NEL's Seminar of Lacanian Formation (SFL) is based on the different ways to knot the body, image and language. The SFL has as orientation and quilting points the 7th Enapol: "The Empire of Images" as well as the Xth Congress of the WAP: "The Unconscious and the Speaking Body”. Philippe Lacadée and Marcus André Vieira -former Presidents of the NEL- are in charge of the epistemic dimension of this Seminar.
On March 27th 2015 its first session was held with the presence of Graciela Brodsky, the first President of the NEL. Graciela Brodsky transmitted her lecture based on the question proposed by the NEL: What knottings between body, image and language do the concepts of Narcissism and the Mirror Stage allow for?
The second meeting took place on May 9th 2015, with the presence of Juan Fernando Pérez, former President of the NEL. On this ocassion the question was: What knottings between body, image and language does the concept of phantasm allow for?
On July 3rd 2015 the third session was held. On this ocassion we counted on the presence of María Hortensia Cárdenas, who answered the following question: What knottings between body, image and language does the concept of image Queen allow for? having the text "The Image Queen" published in "Elucidation of Lacan" by Jacques-Alain Miller, as a reference.
The fourth session was held on August 4th 2015 with the presence of Phillippe Lacadée, who entitled his presentation: "Knottings of the Image, the Body and Language in Adolescence".
The fifth session was held on November 14th 2015 with the participation of Piedad Ortega de Spurrier who entitled her work
"Id Speaks for Itself, in the Flesh and without Reaching the Saying. What it is not Knotted by the Phallus”.
The Seventh Session took place on March 19 th 2016 and counted on the presence of Marcus André Vieira, who entitled his presentation "Body, Image and Language: its knottings via the Sinthome".
Radio Lacan would like to thank the authorities of the NEL, its President José Fernando Velásquez for having chosen Radio Lacan to broadcast exclusively the NEL's Seminar of Lacanian Formation.
Liliana Mauas, director of Radio Lacan.
Raquel Cors Ulloa, advisor from the NEL for Radio Lacan.