Psychoanalysis and Arts
Do you know Jacques Lacan?
Psychoanalysis and Arts
Psychoanalysis and Science
The Lacanian Orientation in 21st century
Psychoanalysis and Knowledge
A new paradigm:
Lacan's Seminar
Lacanians around the world
Psychoanalysis of the Lacanian Orientation
Lacanian action in Act.
Echoes of the city
About us
Interview with Christian Lalos
Christian Lalos is director of the theatre of Châtillon.
Episode 1
Interview with Christian Lalos
Christian Lalos
18:43 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 01.11.2013
Source of this audio:
43 èmes. Le blog. École de la Cause freudienne
Emergency, trauma and creation. Conversation with Jean-Pierre Raynaud and Daphne Raynaud
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The topology serves to the creation. Interview with Pablo Reinoso
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