Special Issue. In Memoriam. Tribute to Judith Miller
On January 8th, 2018, guided by its president Leonardo Gorostiza, Radio Lacan pays tribute, one month after the loss of the beloved Judith Miller.
To that end, a group of colleagues who met the daughter of Jacques Lacan, was summoned to talk to us about the desire and the trace she has left in psychoanalysis and in the lives of all of them.
Each participates by way of a testimony, Daniel Roy, Beatriz Udenio, Antonio Di Ciaccia, Margarita Álvarez, Gil Caroz, Adriana Testa, Ana Lydia Santiago, Maria Cristina Giraldo, Marina Frangiadaki, Claudia Iddan and Gleuza Salomon.
We consider this tribute as the occasion to listen once again to her word and for that reason, we remember the Opening Conference of the 8th Congress of the WAP, which Judith Miller offered in Buenos Aires on April 23rd, 2012.