XXIII Clinical Conference of the EBP - Minas Gerais Section, "In a Clear Instant. Time in the Analytic Experience"
On November 22nd and 23rd, 2019, in the city of Belo Horizonte, the XXIII Clinical Conference of the Brazilian School of Psychoanalysis - Minas Gerais Section took place, titled "In a Clear Instant, Time in the Analytic Experience". The opening conference of the day brings the listener to hear more than an introduction to such a valuable and crucial topic for the the psychoanalytic practice of the Lacanian orientation. The invitation to question what is new about time in the psychoanalytic experience was accompanied by elaborations presented by the director of EBP-MG, Helenice de Castro and by the coordinators of the Clinical Day, Graciela Bessa and Ram Mandil. Good listening!