La samedi 14 décembre 2019 s’est tenue, à Madrid, la 3e rencontre du directoire élargi sous le titre : « Amour, question d’École ». Les interrogations qui ont guidé la journée de travail ont été : Quel cas faisons-nous de l’amour dans la vie de l’École? Q
On Saturday,the 14th of December, 2019, in the city of Madrid, the 3rd meeting of the extended directory was held under the title: “Love, Question of the School”.
The questions that oriented the day were: What place for love in the life of the School? What place for love, when the School exists by means of the bonds that inhabit it? What place for love in a School which is part of a world in which hatred increases and takes up a position? Radio Lacan thanks Alejandro Tolosa for recording the audio.