IX ENAPOL”Hate, Anger, Indignation: Challenges for Psychoanalysis”
On the 13th, 14th and 15th of September,2019, the IX Enapol “Hate, Anger, Indignation: Challenges for Psychoanalysis” took place in São Paulo. ”The IX Enapol was the result of intense and productive work that brought together psychoanalysts of the three Schools of the WAP in America - EOL, EBP, NEL - of the Institutes of the Freudian, as well as Latin American psychoanalysts with a transference to the Lacanian orientation.
We count on the presence of Angelina Harari, President of the WAP, Flory Kruger, President of FAPOL and Ève Miller-Rose, representing the Freudian Field. In this new issue of Radio Lacan, we will share a second edition of the IX ENAPOL, which brings together in plenaries the participation of psychoanalysts invited to respond to the proposal launched by the event.
Good listening!