First Zadig Forum in Argentina. Feminism: Incidences of our time. Opening
On Friday, August 23rd at the Palais Rouge in the City of Buenos Aires, the First Forum open to the public of the Zadig Network of Argentina took place.
Following the path opened by J-A. Miller to intervene from the psychoanalysis and psychoanalysts in the social field, the current and hot topic of feminism was taken up to speak with the discourses that hold decided and not always coincident positions.
The Forum was opened by Guillermo Belaga -President of the EOL, AME of the EOL and the WAP, AE 1999-2002-; and Angelina Harari -President of AMP, AME of EBP and WAP, AE 2009-2012-.
The development of the activity had 3 work tables, each coordinated and animated by an EOL psychoanalysts - Gabriela D’argenton, Daniel Millas, Fabián Naparstek-. Different personalities from the current culture of our country participated in the tables and shared their opinions on the theme of the forum: sociologists, anthropologists, political scientists, pedagogues, teachers, writers, artists, filmmakers.
The closing of the day was crowned by the projection of an advance of the documentary "Let it be Law" that shows the movement generated around the debate over the abortion law, the struggle for the legalization of voluntary termination of pregnancy in Argentina. In this closing we have the words of Monica Torres -Nudo "Politics ∞ Extimity" - and Jorge Chamorro -Nudo "Freedom of desire" -, both AME of the EOL and the WAP.
Radio Lacan shares with its listeners the opening of the First Zadig Forum in Argentina.