First Conversation in XIII EBP Members Congress: "The Game of Passions in the Psychoanalytic Experience".
On April 12th the conversation “The Game of Passions in Psychoanalytic Practice” took place within the framework of the XIII EBP Members Congress “The Game of Passions in Psychoanalytic Practice” held in São Paulo, from April 12th to 14th, 2019. Radio Lacan shares with its listeners an intense and productive debate that questions how the passions and their different modalities affect the practice of the psychoanalyst today.

Episode 1
The Game of Passions in Psychoanalytic Practice
Ratings: by Marcelo Veras, Marcela Antelo and Jorge Forbes.
Punctuations by: José Carlos Lapenda and Paula Borsoi.
Established by: Glória Maron and Vanda Almeida.
17:11 minutes | Audio in Portuguese | Recorded 14.04.2019
Episode 2
Coordinated by: Ram Mandil.
Participants: Mirta Zbrun, Maria Silvia Hanna, Alberto Murta, José Carlos Lapenda, Jorge Forbes, Paula Borsoi, Cristina Drummond, Bernardino Horne, Sergio Laia, Luis Francisco Espindola Camargo, Maria Cecília Ferretti, Niraldo de Oliveira, Marcelo Veras, Marcela Antelo, Cassandra Farias, Liège Goulart and Henri Kaufmanner.
Established by: Glória Maron, Vanda Almeida and Francisca Menta.
62:59 minutes | Audio in Portuguese | Recorded 14.04.2019
Pierre Naveau