European Forum in Milan: "Love and Hate for Europe".
The Forum of Milan, third of a series initiated in the city of Turin on the subject of the democracy, and having continued in the city of Rome on the foreigner, this time tackles a question of great political relevance and of fundamental interest for the Psychoanalysis. In four Roundtables devoted to the idea of Europe; to the law and to the cultures; to the drives that conditions globalization and sovereignty; to the identity and differences of Europeanism, psychoanalysts from all over Europe conversed with philosophers, politicians, economists and lawyers about the destiny of Europe and the passions that can sustain it or sink it.Radio Lacan shares with its listeners the speeches of opening of the works of Marco Focchi, Director of the Forum, of Domenico Cosenza, President of EuroFédération of Psychoanalysis, and the conclusions of the works presided by Angelina Harari, President of the World Association of Psychoanalysis, and with the keynote speech by Éric Laurent, psychoanalyst and past President of the WAP.