Echoes of the NEL: Miller’s Seminars in Bogotá and Caracas. Conversation with María Hortensia Cárdenas
Conversation with María Hortensia Cárdenas, Responsible for compilating and editing Miller's last book: "Jaques Alain Miller’s Seminars in Caracas and Bogotá " (Paidós Publisher, March 2015)
María Hortensia Cárdenas is a psychoanalyst in Lima, AME, member of the NEL and of the WAP. She was president of the NEL between 2006 and 2008. In January 2015 she will assume the Direction of the NEL-Lima. She lectures at the Centre for Research and Teaching (Centro de Investigación y Docencia CID-Lima) and she is Director of the NEL Journal of Psychoanalysis: Bitácora Lacaniana. Raquel Cors Ulloa is a member of the NEL and the WAP. She is the Director for the Spanish-speaking area of Latigo. She is the representative of the NEL for Radio Lacan international comittee.