Conferences of the Freudian Field. Cycle 2015-2016: The Paradigms of Jouissance in Lacan
The Cicle of Conferences 2015-2016 of the Freudian Field entitled "The paradigms of jouissance in Lacan" takes place in Brussels. With the presentations of invited analysts the article from Jacques-Alain Miller "The paradigms of the jouissance" ("Les paradigmes de la jouissance" published in Revue de La Cause Freudienne 43) is proposed.
Episode 1
Presentation of the Cycle of Conferences "The paradigms of jouissance in Lacan"
By Alexandre Stevens
3:36 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 17.10.2015
Episode 2
"The paradigms of jouissance in Lacan": First Conference
By Marie-Hélène Brousse
On October 17th 2015 the cycle of Conferences of the Freudian Field 2015-2016 started in Brussels , under the title "The Paradigms of Jouissance in Lacan". On this ocassion it counted on the commentary by Marie-Hélène Brousse about the first two paradigms of jouissance according to the text of Jacques-Alain Miller "TheParadigms of Jouissance”. The debate was chaired by Alexandre Stevens in collaboration with Catherine Heule and Nicolas Moyson, who participated in the work-shop on applied psychoanalysis.
115:28 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 17.10.2015
Episode 3
"The Paradigms of Jouissance in Lacan": Second Conference
By Philippe de Georges
On Saturday January 9th 2016 the second conference of the Freudian Field of Belgium was held. On this occasion, Philippe De Georges commented on the third paradigm, "The impossible jouissance" and the fourth "The fragmented jouissance". The debate was chaired by Gil Caroz with the collaboration of Emmanuelle Jacquerie and Céline Danloy, participants of the atelier on applied psychoanalysis.
101:59 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 09.01.2016
Episode 4
"The Paradigms of Jouissance in Lacan": Third Conference
By Pierre Naveau
For this third conference of the Freudian Field, Pierre Naveau has presented and commented on the fifth paradigm of the jouissance from Jacques-Alain Miller's text, located in the journal La Cause Freudienne #43. The debate was chaired by Alexandre Stevens in participation with Karoline Buchner and Sophie Boucquey, who participate in the atelier on applied psychoanalysis.
84:21 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 19.03.2016
Episode 5
"The Paradigms of Jouissance in Lacan" Fourth Conference
By Daniel Roy
128:01 minutes | Audio in French | Recorded 21.05.2016
Pierre Naveau